Malachi Project
After School Program
The Malachi Project operates an after school and discipleship program. The after school program includes: Bible study, practical living skills, recreation, mentoring and lessons covering topics such as integrity, forgiveness and respect. Each child is offered a healthy snack and dinner every day they attend. The Malachi Project exists to give our young people a chance of a better future that includes the possibilities of a solid education through the help of tutors, opportunities of a career, and a life sustained through good work ethic and moral values.Our after school program helps our children develop essential social and emotional skills. Through teamwork, cooperation, and interaction with their peers and mentors, we have seen the children communicate more effectively, resolve conflicts, and build self-confidence.

Mentoring/Discipleship Program
Malachi Project Mentoring Program is focused on reaching at risk youth, through weekly building relationship and spending quality time. The program's goal is to develop young disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. We help in teaching the young people how to express positive and negative emotions. The program also includes Bible study, practical living skills, recreation, mentoring and lessons covering topics such as integrity, forgiveness, purity and respect. Each child is offered a dinner every day they attend.
Malachi 4:5-6 “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”